Disaster and Flood Assistance
Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District provides technical support and emergency response for natural disasters, including floods, droughts, storms, and wildfires.
During and after disaster events, our technical staff are in the field conducting damage assessments. We focus on non-structural damage including erosion, damage to vegetation, and natural debris cleanup. We also address structural damage to culverts and bridges. We typically do not handle damage to homes or other buildings. Our staff participate on local and state-level disaster response task forces to help address needs and secure funding. If disaster relief funding is available, we administer funding to individual landowners and assist with design and installation of disaster repair projects.
What does disaster response assistance through Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District look like?
Lake County Soil & Water Conservation District most recently worked with Flood Funds I, II, and IV, provided by the State of Minnesota through the Board of Water and Soil Resources, to help private landowners fix flood-damaged structures and water quality concerns. These funds were provided following the 2012 Flood and Natural Disaster designations in parts of Lake County. Projects were finished in 2016.

Is there currently disaster response technical and financial assistance available?
No, we do not currently have any disaster response funds available to assist you and your property’s erosion concerns.