WIC – Women, Infants, and Children Nutrition Program

Call or text (218) 830-2472 to see if you’re eligible.
Pregnant? Child under five years old? Just had a baby? WIC can help! This program provides healthy foods, nutritional information, and much more. Lake County offers monthly WIC clinics in both Two Harbors and Silver Bay for your convenience.
This institution is an equal-opportunity provider.
How do I become eligible?
- Be a pregnant, postpartum, breast feeding woman, or a child from birth to age five years
- Live in Lake County
- Meet income guidelines
- Have a medical or nutritional need
What does WIC provide?
- Quality food such as milk, cheese, cereal, eggs, peanut butter, whole grains and yogurt
- Information on nutrition and health by professional staff
- Breast feeding education and support
- Information about other health or social service programs
- Cash value amount for fresh, frozen or canned fruits and vegetables.
What are the benefits of WIC?
- You get nutritious foods at no cost
- You receive nutrition counseling for yourself and your children
- You save money (the extra money can be used to purchase other food that WIC does not provide).
When and where is WIC held?
- Two Harbors – Third Thursday of each month and the Wednesday prior to that day in the Lake County Service Center – Baptism River Room (lower level), 616 3rd Avenue, Two Harbors, MN
- Silver Bay – First Thursday of each month at the Lake County Service Center – County Room, 99 Edison Blvd., Silver Bay, MN