2-1-1 call centers are staffed 24/7 by trained Community Resource Specialists who quickly assess needs and refer callers to the help that they seek. Services are free and confidential. They offer information on a broad range of services, including:
- Food support
- Housing and utility support
- Caregiver resources
- Mental health and substance abuse resources
- Paying medical expenses
- 2-1-1
- 800-543-7709
At Home Living-Cottage A At Home Living-Cottage B
828 13th Avenue 832 13th Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616 Two Harbors, MN 55616
Phone: 218-728-1189 Phone: 218-728-1189
*Primarily serve persons with mental health or brain injury diagnosis*
DRCC-Cedar DRCC-Burlington
421 4th Avenue 1531 15th Street
Two Harbors, MN 55616 Two Harbors, MN 55616
Phone: 218-722-8180
Maple View Adult Foster Care
1729 9th Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Phone: 218-343-8853
Provides permanent, supportive housing and a 10-bed emergency shelter for victims of physical and sexual violence, trafficking, and stalking. Services include advocacy, information and referral, case management and programming.
- 218-722-7225
- 202 West 2nd Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Schedule a FREE Red Cross Home Fire Safety Visit!
During your home visit, you will receive:
- Installed smoke alarms if no working smoke alarms are present in your home
- Guidance in the development of a Family Disaster Plan
- Valuable emergency preparedness tips and information
- All demonstration and installation services will be performed by Red Cross-trained volunteers and/or licensed/insured professionals
Housing Resources
- Homeless Services-Homeless services are designed to keep community members housed, either through prevention resources or rapid rehousing. This includes assistance in finding housing and other support services, as well as direct assistance with rent, security deposits, and other assistance targeted for families, single adults, and youth who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Contact 218-623-3033 or 218-410-5713 or amy.renne@aeoa.org for assistance.
Other Services Available in Virginia, MN
- First time homebuyers resources
- Emergency and transitional housing, homeless youth housing, and permanent, supportive housing
- Housing Support Services for Adults with Serious Mental Illness
- Energy Assistance
- Weatherization Assistance
- MNSure Navigation
Please call Housing Crisis Resources at 218-748-7357 or 1-800-662-5711 ext. 7357 for these services.
- 218-623-3033
- Norlen Industrial Park
2124 10th Street
Two Harbors, MN 55616
- Amy.Renne@aeoa.org
Agate Bay Assisted Living, LLC
414 1st Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Phone: 218-834-6174
Barross Cottage Barross Cottage II
401 South Avenue 806 13th Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616 Two Harbors, MN 55616
Phone: 218-834-8018 Phone: 218-834-8098
Carefree Living
36 Bell Circle
Silver Bay, MN 55614
Phone: 218-226-3524
Waterview Shores
409 13th Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Phone: 218-834-0849
Income-based housing for elderly and/or individuals with disabilities. Obtain an application on-site. Apartments are unfurnished but have stove and refrigerator and community laundry. Operated through the Two Harbors Housing and Redevelopment Authority.
- 218-834-2728
- 505 1st Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Churches United in Ministry (CHUM) offers the following services:
- Stabilization services provide support to individuals who do not have housing. This includes the Chum Center Congregate Shelter, permanent supportive housing, and an emergency family shelter. Supportive services include advocacy, mental health services, assistance in finding child care and parenting assistance, and emotional support.
The Chum Food Shelf located at 120 N 1st Ave West is open Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am-12pm or until supplies run out. Individuals can come through our line and receive a food box full of healthy foods. On Mondays, food distribution is located at Our Saviors Lutheran Church, 4831 Grand Ave, from 10am-12pm or until supplies run out.
- Chum2GO is a food shelf program intended to increase food access and promote food security in Duluth. The program is specifically intended to reduce barriers for people who may otherwise have a difficult time visiting the food shelf locations in person. Chum2GO serves people with disabilities, large families, seniors, and people who do not have access to transportation. Deliveries are made on the first and third Thursdays of the month. The distribution goes from 10am-12pm.
- 218-720-6521
- 102 West 2nd Street
Duluth, MN 55802
- chum@chumduluth.org
Subsidized housing (Section 8) for elderly (62+) or individuals with disabilities. Offering spacious one and two-bedroom units in a secure building with an elevator. Apartments are unfurnished, but come with a stove, refrigerator and community laundry. Applications available on-site.
- 218-834-5441
- 101 3rd Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
- harborpoint@paramark.us
Works with qualified social service agencies to provide coordinated support services along with rental assistance support. The goal is to break the cycle of long-term homelessness and achieve housing stability.
- 651-645-0676
- 2446 University Avenue W
Suite 150
St. Paul, MN 55114
A non-profit Minnesota tenant advocacy organization that assists tenants with confidential, free and lost-cost legal, educational, and advocacy services.
- 612-728-5767
- 866-866-3546
Find help locating section 8 housing, housing for senior or the disabled, information on how to stay in current housing, system resources for those who are homeless, or at risk of homelessness. You can sort by City or County.
- 612-522-2500
- info@housinglink.org
Search for housing using filters such as distance from a certain point, amount of rent, number of bedrooms, building type, accessibility, and whether pets are allowed. You may also limit searches to subsidized housing or housing for seniors, persons with a disability or veterans.
- 612-522-2500
- info@housinglink.org
The mission of the Lake County Housing & Redevelopment Authority (LCHRA) is to enhance housing and economic development opportunities throughout Lake County. Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Lake County Split Rock River Room (616 Third Ave, Two Harbors).
- 218-834-8332
- 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616
- Matthew.Johnson@co.lake.mn.us
- Bethany Crisis Shelter-Offers short-term, emergency housing for youth 17 years and younger with a referral by county social worker, court, or law enforcement. Provides supervised daily living, homebound education, recreational programming, weekly discussion groups, transportation and individual support.
- Another Door Emergency Housing Program-Short-term housing and support for young adults age 18-24 experiencing homelessness. Contact 218-391-5145 for more information.
- Renaissance Transitional Housing-Transitional housing for youth 16-21 years old that are experiencing homelessness. While there, youth will develop skills to live independently.
- Supportive Apartments-Offers long-term housing paired with supportive services for youth ages 18-24 who are experiencing homelessness and meet MN guidelines for homelessness.
- Center for Changing Lives-Located at 1422 East Superior Street, Duluth. Phone 218-529-2230. Offers many options to youth with regards to homelessness and wellness services, including life skills training, educational support, youth groups and more.
Health Care
- Teen Health Clinic-Offers free wellness services including health screenings for teens and young adults who are 13-24 years old. Located at The Center for Changing Lives Duluth, 1422 East Superior Street, Duluth. Call 218-529-2224 for an appointment.
- Oh No Eighteen! (ONE) Independent Living Skills-Independent living skills program that includes education, support, and case management for young people that have been in foster care, residential treatment, group homes or other residential programs.
Children’s Services
- Supervised Visits-Conducts supervised visits for families referred by counties and courts, as well as providing fee-based supervised visits for families who seek them independently. Phone 218-391-9561 for more information.
- Bethany Crisis Nursery-Providing a safe and nurturing environment for children birth through age 12.
- Teen Closet-Offers free new and gently used clothing for youth ages 13-21. Teen closet is open Thursdays from 2pm-6pm. Located on the lower level of the First Lutheran Church, 1100 E Superior Street, Duluth. Please use London Road entrance.
- Together for Youth-A community outreach and support group for LGBTQ youth ages 14 to 20. Meets Wednesdays from 4pm-6pm at the Center for Changing Lives, 1422 E Superior Street, Duluth.
- Working with families and individuals to solve debt and financial problems. Assists in setting up a realistic budget and payment plan to fit individual needs. Please call 888-577-2227 for more information.
- 218-626-2726
- 888-577-2227 (financial line)
Assisting Veterans and former Servicemembers living in Minnesota with finding sustainable housing. Also offers outreach, case management, employment and training, deposit and rental assistance, housing subsidy programs, emergency financial assistance and correction re-entry services.
Veteran employment and training services help Veterans create a resume, address barriers, receive career coaching, job search assistance, and refers Veterans to Veteran-friendly employers.
The Vetlaw program offers free legal aid and resources for all Minnesota Veterans. Our legal services include representation, community legal clinics, referrals, and phone services regarding Minnesota law. Please call 651-200-4750 or email vetlaw@mac-v.org to schedule time with a staff attorney.
- 218-722-8763
- 833-222-6228
- 5209 Ramsey Street
Duluth, MN 55807
- mac-v@mac-v.org
Find Safe Harbor shelters and housing programs across the state for sexually exploited youth.
A web-based means of finding information about education, services for people with disabilities, senior services, waiver services, unemployment, housing/homelessness, health care, transportation, jobs and money management.
- 800-333-2433 (Senior Linkage Line)
- 866-333-2466 (Disability Hub MN)
Provides high quality skilled nursing care to eligible veterans or spouses of veterans. A special care unit is available for dementia residents. Services include:
Individualized Care Services
- Skilled Nursing Care, including Specialized Dementia Care
- Medical Service with 24-hour Nursing Care
- Social Services
- Individualized Recreational Services
- Rehabilitation Services, including Physical, Occupational and Speech Therapy
- Large Rehabilitation Gym for Specialized Programming or Independent Activity
- Mental/Behavioral Health Service
- Chaplain and Spiritual Care Service
- Nutritional Service
- Pharmaceutical Service
- Transportation Service Locally and to Duluth
- Barber and Beauty Services
- Activities that Utilize our Natural Resources
- Large Game Room
- Craft Shop
- Outdoor Activities
- Resident Council
- Family Council
- Spouse Support Group
- Community Connections
- Volunteer Services
- 218-353-8700
- 56 Outer Drive
Silver Bay, MN 55614
Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) Program-Improves access for homeless Veterans.
- 877-424-3838
Services include:
- 24-hour crisis services
- Legal advocacy
- Relationship abuse advocacy
- Sexual assault advocacy
- Resources and referrals
- Child abuse prevention programming for children
- Online safety education for middle and high school students
- Community outreach and education
- Supportive and Transitional Housing (New Beginnings, LLC)
- A Safe Exchange and Supervised Visitation program
- Men’s Nonviolence Intervention Education
Stronger Together is a support group for people who have experienced harmful relationships. Group meets Wednesdays from 6pm-7pm at North Shore Horizons.
- 218-834-5924
- 866-223-1111 (crisis line)
- 127 7th Street
Two Harbors, MN 55616
- info@northshorehorizons.org
The Waterview Shores
409 13th Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Phone: 218-834-8374
Minnesota Veterans Home
56 Outer Drive
Silver Bay, MN 55614
Phone: 218-353-8700
Resourceful is a free community resource guide to help you find free and reduced cost services near you:
- Food
- Housing
- Goods
- Transit
- Health
- Money
- Care
- Education
- Work
- Legal
Safe Haven provides services to women, children and all survivors whose lives have been affected by physical, emotional, sexual and economic abuse. Provides an emergency shelter, legal advocacy, safely planning, self-sufficiency, support groups, youth advocacy and community education.
- 218-623-1000 (Resource Center)
- 218-728-6481 (24-hour crisis line)
- 218-728-6481 (Shelter)
- 414 W 1st Street
Duluth, MN 55802
Offers substance use treatment and transitional and halfway housing Native American young adults and adults. Must have tribal affiliation.
- 218-727-7699 (Thunderbird House)
- 218-879-6731 (Mash-ka-wisen)
- Thunderbird-Wren Halfway House
9302 Idaho Street
Duluth, MN 55808 - Mash-ka-wisen Treatment Center
1150 Mission Road
Sawyer, MN 55780
- admissions@mashkawisen.com
Owns, operates and develops public housing (Bayview Terrace). Applications available on-site. Does not provide Section 8 vouchers; contact the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of Duluth to apply.
- 218-834-2728
- 505 1st Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Single Family Housing programs give families and individuals the opportunity to buy, build, or repair affordable homes. Eligibility for these loans, loan guarantees, and grants is based on income and varies according to the average median income for each area.
Through the program options below, USDA Rural Development offers qualifying individuals and families the opportunity to purchase or build a new single family home with no money down, to repair their existing home, or to refinance their current mortgage under certain qualifying circumstances. There are also programs to assist non-profit entities in their efforts to provide new homes or home repair to qualifying individuals and families.
For Home Buyers
- Single Family Housing Direct Home Loans-Also known as the Section 502 Direct Loan Program, this program assists low and very low-income applicants obtain decent, safe and sanitary housing by providing payment assistance to increase an applicant’s repayment ability. Payment assistance is a type of subsidy that reduces the mortgage payment for a short time. The amount of assistance is determined by the adjusted family income.
- Single Family Housing Guaranteed Loan Program-The Section 502 Guaranteed Loan Program assists approved lenders in providing low and moderate-income households the opportunity to own adequate, modest, decent, safe and sanitary dwellings as their primary residence. Eligible applicants may purchase, build, rehabilitate, improve or relocate a dwelling in an eligible rural area with 100% financing. The program provides a 90% loan note guarantee to approved lenders in order to reduce the risk of extending 100% loans to eligible rural homebuyers – so no money down for those who qualify!
For Homeowners
- Home Repair Loans and Grants-Also known as the Section 504 Home Repair program, provides loans to very low-income homeowners to repair, improve or modernize their homes or grants to elderly very low-income homeowners to remove health and safety hazards.
- 651-602-7800
- 375 Jackson Street
Suite 410
St. Paul, MN 55101-1853