Affordable, nutritious meals for older adults are available at Lake View in Two Harbors (Monday-Friday), Northwoods Family Grille in Silver Bay (Monday-Friday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m.), and the Clair Nelson Center in Finland (second Wednesday of each month). Register through AEOA by calling 800-662-5711, ext. 6899.
- 800-662-5711 ext. 6899
- Silver Bay:
Northwoods Family Grille
6 Shopping Center Road
Silver Bay, MN 55614
Two Harbors:
325 11th Avenue (located in Lake View Hospital)
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Clair Nelson Center
6866 Cramer Road
Finland, MN 55603
Volunteer service to assist elders in living independently. Services include:
- Transportation to medical appointments
- Care coordination
- Chore service
- Light housekeeping
- Assistance with grocery shopping and delivery
- Friendly conversations and visits
- Education and community events throughout the year
- Evidenced-based programming, such as A Matter of Balance, Living Well with Chronic Conditions, Living Well with Diabetes
- Meals on Wheels-Delivered Monday through Friday from 11am and 1pm. Please call for guidelines and to register.
- Groceries to Go-There are three ways to access food: A volunteer will drive the participant to the grocery store to assist in shopping and then assist in bringing groceries to the door; a volunteer will drive the participant to the Two Harbors Area Food Shelf to access food and assist in bringing groceries to the door; a participant can call Community Partners on Mondays and Tuesdays to place their order, then a volunteer will do the grocery shopping and deliver groceries to the door on Wednesday. If you live in congregate care, groceries are left in the communal kitchen at the facility. Call or stop by Community Partners to register.
Community Partners also offers social programming, such as game day at the Two Harbors Public Library, coffee and conversations, bingo, and victory chorus, which meets in the summer months. Please visit their website or Facebook page for more information.
Community Partners also offers caregiver counseling, support groups, and respite care.
- Caregiver Support Group-Meets 2nd Wednesday of every month from 1pm-2:30pm. Please call the office for current meeting location.
- (218) 834-8024
- Community Partners
Community Center Building
417 South Ave
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Community Services
- Community Services-Offering area resources in situations of homelessness, chemical dependency, domestic abuse, unemployment and mental health. No case management commitment; use as often or as little as needed. Assistance with hygiene products, household goods, mailboxes for people experiencing homelessness, free telephone line, safe storage, bus tokens, and gas vouchers (call for program requirements). Open Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays 9am-3pm.
- Hygiene Unit-Including showers (shampoo, conditioner, body wash, towels included), toilets, and sinks. Come to the parking lot doors and you will be greeted by Damiano staff. Drop-ins welcome.
- Health Realization-Cognitive skills-based program that helps individuals manage stress in a positive way. Open to all individuals on Wednesdays at 7pm; women only meetings are Sundays at 7pm (please arrive 15-minutes early for both programs as building doors are locked when the meeting begins).
Clothing and Household
- Clothes that Work-Free clothing for low income individuals that are seeking employment or are employed and need clothing (must provide ID and proof of employment). Also provides accessories, hygiene and beauty products. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am-3pm.
- Free Store: Free clothing and household goods. Hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am-3pm.
Food Community Kitchen:
- Continental Breakfast 8:30am-9:30am (daily)
- Lunch 11:30am-1pm (Monday, Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
- Dinner 5pm-6pm (Friday, Saturday and Sunday)
Kids’ Kitchen: Kids ages 6+, no adult needed. Provides healthy meals, nutritional education, and a safe place for kids after school and during the summer. Kids Kitching Programming is offered Monday through Thursday 2:30pm-5:30pm (meal is served from 4pm-5pm). Go to the 2nd Avenue West entrance of the Damiano Center and ring the doorbell.
- 218-722-8708
- 206 West 4th Street
Duluth, MN 55806
Offering produce (on first Wednesday of month), milk, cheese, meats, canned/dry food.
Hours: Wednesday 1pm-5pm
- 218-834-4545 (leave message)
- 709 5th Street
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Open third Wednesday of each month from 11am-5pm.
On the third Saturday of each month, shopping is open from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. No shopping number needed on Saturdays.
Home delivery is available for people who are homebound and have no other options for receiving food. You may have someone shop on your behalf or a volunteer will call to help you “shop by phone” and your food will be delivered. Call (218) 235-8527 to register for this program.
Emergency assistance is available during the month by calling (218) 235-8527.
Eligibility is based on either your participation in any of the programs listed below or your income which must be below 300% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
- Child Care Assistance
- Energy Assistance
- GA – General Assistance
- Head Start
- MFIP-MN Family Investment Program
- MN Care – Minnesota Care
- NAPS – Nutrition Assistance Program for Seniors
- Reduced or free lunch or breakfast
- Section 8 Housing
- SNAP – Food Support
- SSI – Supplemental Security Income
- Transitional Housing
- Weatherization
- WIC – Women, Infants & Children
- 218-235-8527
- 15 West Conan Street
Ely, MN 55731
In collaboration with the Arrowhead Economic Opportunity Agency (AEOA), North Shore Area Partners is organizing freshly cooked meals at the Clair Nelson Center, Finland, on the second Wednesday of each month from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. for persons 60+. Cost is $4.50 per meal. All ages are welcome to join in at the full price of $10. During the meal, presentations will be offered on a variety of topics. Please contact Stacey, NSAP Program & Volunteer Coordinator, at 218-353-1391.
- 218-353-1391
- Meals Served at:
Clair Nelson Center
6866 Cramer Road
Finland, MN 55603
Free, supplemental food program (including meat, eggs, grain and produce from local farmers) for residents of Silver Bay, Beaver Bay, Finland, Isabella, and surrounding communities. Distribution is every other week, and families who are recipients of SNAP or WIC, seniors aging at home, community members who use the Silver Bay Food Shelf, and “anybody who is food insecure” are given priority. This program will run through September 2025. To sign-up, visit or leave your name and phone number at 218-353-1777.
- 218-353-1777
- Health Care-Medical Assistance, Medical Assistance for Employed Persons with Disabilities, Long Term Care, TEFRA, Medicare Savings Program.
- Mental Health Services-Case Management services for children and adults.
- Cash Assistance-Minnesota Family Investment Program, Diversionary Work Program, Minnesota Supplemental Aid, General Assistance, Housing Supports (formerly known as Group Residential Housing). Apply for Cash Assistance benefits at
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (formerly known as food stamps and/or food support)-Apply for SNAP benefits at
- Emergency Programs-Emergency Assistance and Emergency General Assistance. Apply for Emergency Assistance benefits at
- Car Seat Installations-A certified car seat technician is available to assist you.
- Child and Teen Check-up-Program for children on Medical Assistance and Minnesota Care. Information is available about good physical health, development and growth, hearing and vision checks and immunizations. Complete physical exams are also available at your local clinic.
- Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP)-May be available to families who are employed, seeking employment, or are in school or training. Apply for CCAP benefits by calling our office, picking up an application or going on-line at
- Child Protection-Workers receive reports of possible physical, emotional or sexual abuse and/or neglect and take appropriate action to provide safety for the children.
- Child Foster Care Services-A licensed, home-like setting for children who are unable to live with their families and need placement on emergency, temporary, long-term or respite basis.
- Children and Family Services-Voluntary services to help families stay together; provides ongoing case management with individualized plans and assistance for your family’s needs.
- Family Based Services-Provides parent education and counseling in the family home as an alternative to an out-of-home placement or preparing for a child to return home.
- Follow Along Program-Babies and children grow and learn at their own rate. Some children need special help to grow up healthy and learn skills such as sitting, walking, or talking. This program is to help determine if this is true for your child.
- Newborn Home Visits-Visits to a home or in the office by a public health nurse specializing in parent and child health. A visit will include weighing your baby, assessing your baby from head to toe, and providing information on sleep habits, feeding your baby, infant cues, playing with your baby, general baby care. The nurse will also answer any of your questions and direct you to community resources if necessary. If you would like to meet before your baby is born, the nurse will talk to you about making sure you are doing all you can to have a healthy baby. This is a free and confidential service to all Lake County families.
- Women, Infants and Children (WIC)-Provides supplemental food and nutrition education to eligible pregnant or breastfeeding women and children under age 5.
- Child Support-Assistance in locating parents, establishing parentage, establishing court orders for child support, medical support, and child care support, reviewing and modifying court orders for child support, medical support and child care support, adjusting court orders based on cost-of-living, enforcing court orders, collecting and processing payments. MN Child Support Online:
- 218-834-8400 (Two Harbors office)
- 218-226-4443 (Silver Bay office)
- 800-450-8832
- Two Harbors office:
616 3rd Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616
- Silver Bay office:
Silver Bay Service Center
99 Edison Blvd.
Silver Bay, MN 55614
The mission of the Lake County Housing & Redevelopment Authority (LCHRA) is to enhance housing and economic development opportunities throughout Lake County. Board meetings are held on the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 6:00 PM in the Lake County Split Rock River Room (616 Third Ave, Two Harbors).
- 218-834-8332
- 601 3rd Avenue Two Harbors, MN 55616
If you or someone you know does not have enough food, visit the MN HelpLine to find out if you qualify for SNAP and where to find emergency food assistance close to your home.
North Shore Area Partners (NSAP) provides compassionate and confidential support for older adults age 60+ living in the heart of Minnesota’s North Shore, who wish to remain in their homes for as long as possible. Each year, NSAP coordinates over 60 volunteers to assist over 500 individual participants with a wide variety of services. As an Enrolled Provider for Alternative Care and Elderly Waiver, they provide the only access to chore, homemaking, and home health care for many clients in their service area. NSAP is committed to serving all residents regardless of their financial circumstances. NSAP provide services to the Beaver Bay, Silver Bay, Finland, Isabella, Little Marais communities and surrounding area. They also provide home care services out of their regular service area-up the shore to Lutsen and down the shore to Knife River.
Programs & Services
Home Care: Assessment & Intake, Financial & Benefits Consultation, Errands & Groceries, Light Housekeeping, Meal Prep, Laundry, Medication Set Up & Reminders, Non-Medical Nail Care, Personal Cares (i.e., hygiene, bathing, dressing), Respite
Transportation: Local Errands, Medical Appointments
Public Programming: Workshops, Meals On Wheels Delivery, Coffee Connection (Monday – Thursday from 9:30 am – 12 pm), weekly activities (education hour, arts & crafts, games, & more!), Bone Builders (Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 am – 10:30 am), Finland Community Senior Meal (second Wednesday from 11:30 am – 1 pm), Non-Medical Nail Care & Blood Pressure Clinic (third Thursday from 9 am – 3 pm, see additional info below), monthly Full-Service Foot Care Clinics (call for clinic dates)
Care Navigation: Service Planning, Financial & Health Care Directives Resources, Home Safety Assessment, Paperwork Assistance, Information & Referrals, Resource Assistance & Advocacy, Veteran’s Benefits
Resources: Technology Support & Referrals, Free Tax Preparation (VITA), Legal Kiosk, Medical Equipment Loan Closet, Per Mar Medical Alert System Setup
Caregiver Support: Monthly Caregiver & Grief Programming, Individual Meetings & Support (Caregiver Consulting), Caregiver Education, Respite Services, Resource Assistance & Advocacy
Non-Medical Nail Care & Blood Pressure Clinics: Offered the third Thursday each month from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. for adults age 55+. Nail care is offered by appointment only. Cost is $15 for fingernail and/or toenail trim. In-home nail care is also available Monday through Friday. Call 218-353-1449 to schedule an appointment. Individuals with certain conditions, such as diabetes, should call to schedule an appointment during our Full-Service Foot Care Clinics. Drop in blood pressure checks are offered the same day and are free of charge. Lake County Health and Human Services funding subsidizes this program.
North Shore Area Partners Medical Equipment Loan Closet is a free public service for people needing personal care items such as walkers, canes, wheelchairs, commodes, and smaller pieces. Anyone can use the equipment if it’s available. NSAP’s hours are from 8:30 am to 4 pm. Monday through Thursday. Please call ahead if possible.
- (218) 226-3635
- 36 Shopping Center
Silver Bay, MN 55614
The BackPack Program-Feeds students in need on weekends and during the summer when school isn’t in session. Children receive a nutritious supply of food at the end of the week.
- 218-336-2312
- 888-727-5653
Northwoods Partners offers a variety of activities for community members. Activities include:
- Friendly visits
- Transportation to and from local services/events/meetings, running errands and local medical appointments. Also includes long-distance rides for medical appointments. Volunteer long-distance drivers are reimbursed by Northwoods Partners; clients are asked to make a donation to help us to sustain this program.
- Grocery Delivery for people age 60+
- Exercise, strength and balance groups
- Memories & movement groups
- Caregiver consultations, support groups, education and relief
- Aging Mastery Program (AMP) and the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH) program
- Tasty Tuesdays are offered to learn about healthy recipes, food preparation, and more! Participation is free and availability is limited.
- 218-365-8019
- 328 West Conan Street
Ely, Minnesota 55731
A commodity supplemental food program for eligible people over 60 years of age. Pickup at Super One parking lot in Two Harbors and the Mary MacDonald building in Silver Bay. Delivery is the first Monday of the month.
- 218-727-5653, ext. 112 (Two Harbors residents)
- 218-226-3048 (Silver Bay residents)
Resourceful is a free community resource guide to help you find free and reduced cost services near you:
- Food
- Housing
- Goods
- Transit
- Health
- Money
- Care
- Education
- Work
- Legal
Hosted by Bay Area Vineyard Church, Silver Bay. Distribution is the third Saturday of the month, in the gymnasium, from 10:30am-12pm. No income or residency requirement. Share donation of $25 cash, no checks. If you can only pay a portion of the donation, a church may cover the rest. Bring bags, baskets and coolers. Organic and gluten-free items may be available. You will receive an abundance of grocery items!
- 651-674-0009
- 99 Edison Blvd.
Silver Bay, MN 55614
Hours: Monday-Friday 9am-3pm
- 218-226-4443
- Lake County Service Center
99 Edison Blvd.
Silver Bay, MN 55614
Provides a variety of food items to low-income individuals in Lake and St. Louis County. Emergency boxes of food are available Monday through Thursday by calling 218-391-8191 to schedule an appointment pick-up time.
- Food shelf distribution hours: Tuesdays 10am-3:45pm
- Inside shopping: 2nd Thursday of each month from 3pm-6pm
- Office Hours: Monday-Thursday 9am-5pm
- 218-391-8191
- 2124 10th Street (AEOA building)
Two Harbors, MN 55616
Lunch: Monday through Friday, 12pm-1pm
Dinner: Monday through Thursday, 4:30pm-5:30pm
- 218-722-1196
- 219 East 1st Street
Duluth, MN 55802
On the third Friday of every month, a free dinner is served from 5pm-6:30pm.
- 531 3rd Avenue
Two Harbors, MN 55616