Lake County Local Mental Health Task Force
Members: Karen Saari, Dean Rudloff, Terri Norris, Dolly Wood, Judie Sarff, Melissa Clark, Beth Egan, Adrianna Quadhammer, Melissa Pederson, Megan Huseth, Wendi Eliason, Shawna Suomi
To serve as an advisory committee to the Lake County Health and Human Services Advisory Committee to fulfill the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 245.466 and 245.4875, Subd. 5 and the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 402.03, pertaining to the requirement for a Health and Human Services Advisory Committee to have a permanent task force relating to mental health. Task Force actions shall include, but are not limited to, the following:
- To actively participate in the formation of the mental health portion of the Vulnerable Child and Adult Act Service Plan, as defined in Minnesota Statute, 256M.30.
- To actively participate in the development of mental health and related portions of the Lake County Health and Human Services Advisory Committee’s annual budget recommendations to the Board.
- To review and evaluate implementation of the plan and the budget, and to provide recommendations to the Board for inclusion in the Lake County Health and Human Services Advisory Committee’s report to the Board.
- To receive, review and comment on special interest group and community-at-large input regarding mental health issues, with respect to the Lake County Health and Human Services Plan, programs, service and performance.
- To actively develop work groups within the Task Force to address various needs within the community as needed.
- To perform such other duties as are requested by the Lake County Health and Human Services Advisory Committee.
Mission Statement
It shall be the mission of the Lake County Local Mental Health Task Force to advocate for all Lake County residents such programs and services that promote mental health wellness.
If you are interested in serving on the Mental Health Task Force, please email: