Lake County Forestry
Lake County Forestry/Land Department is responsible for the administration and management of State tax-forfeit lands within the boundaries of Lake County, and is charged with the full range of land and timber resource management activities, including timber sales, forest management and development, and tax forfeited land administration. It is the intent of Lake County Forestry to protect, develop and administer Lake County’s land and timber resources to best meet the needs of county residents. Natural resource management efforts will stress multiple-use and sustained yield principles, recognizing the importance of providing for a diverse mixture of resource uses and outputs over time. Full and proper utilization of this resource will be carried out consistent with generally accepted social, economic and environment principles, and within the confines of all applicable administrative and State statutory guidelines.
For information regarding dead and damaged spruce or balsam trees on privately owned land, contact the Soil and Water Conversation District at 218-834-8370.
Fire is an inherent danger to having a home in the woods, but that doesn’t mean you can’t do something about it. In fact, creating a defensible space around your house will enable your home to survive a wildfire. For more information, visit the MN DNR Firewise website