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Planning and Zoning Fee Schedule

Land Use PermitDwelling/principal structure $200.00
All Other Structures Including Structure Change of Use (non-IUP)$50.00
Grade/Fill Non-Shoreland (> 100 cubic Yards)$100.00
Grade/Fill Shoreland (>10 cubic yards in shore impact zone & > 50 cubic yards in Shoreland zone)$200.00
Site Development (Driveway and Building Pad) on Vacant Land or >1000 cubic yards$300.00
Lake Superior Shoreland Restoration - Large restoration projects with the need for vegetation plans etc.$500.00
Change of Use to Vacation Rental in FR or Following IUP Approval$500.00
After the Fact (ATF) All Permits in addition to permit fees$1,000.00
Administrative Decision Appeal$500.00
Interim Use Permit (IUP)Initial IUP for Gravel Pit$500.00
Initial Vacation Rental Home$1,000.00
Renewal Vacation Rental Home or Gravel Pit$500.00
Gravel Pit Reclamation Bond (per 1 Acre). To be Renewed every 5 years with IUP$2,500.00
Conditional Use PermitGeneral Retail, Smaller Lodging Establishments (B&Bs, less than 4 units/campsites), signs and existing CUP expansions (amendments)$500.00
Major-Industrial Uses, Towers, Resorts (4 or more units),Campgrounds, Hotels, Junk Yards and other new site development$1,500.00
After the Fact (ATF) All Permits in addition to permit fees$1,000.00
Septic SystemsNew Non-Commercial System or expansion (including tanks) to existing system$500.00
Commercial/Cluster System/Expansion up to 2500 gpd design flow$1000.00
Commercial/Cluster System/Expansion 2501 to 10,000 gpd design flow$2,500.00
System Repair, Tank Replacement or Holding Tank/Vault Privy$300.00
System Reclassification or Non-Vault Privy in Shoreland$150.00
After the Fact (ATF) All Permits in addition to permit fees$1000.00
Operating Permit (.2500 gpd) - One time fee if renewed on time$250.00
Operating Permit (.2501 - 10,000 gpd) mid sized system$500.00
Operating Permits must be renewed every 3 years
Septic Administrative Variance$200.00
Septic Escrow (or total amount of estimate from a licensed installer if less than $20,000)$20,000.00
Administrative SubdivisionLot Line Adjustment or Encroachment Correction$500.00
Each New Lot$500.00
After the Fact (ATF) in addition to per lot fee$500.00
Preliminary Standard PlatStandard Plat - first five lots/units$1000.00
Each Additional Lot/Unit$200.00
Preliminary PUD/Cluster Subdivision PlatPUD/Cluster Subdivision Plat or Resort Conversion- first five lots/units$1500.00
Each Additional Lot/Unit$200.00
Plat AmendmentFollows Preliminary and Final Plat procedures$500.00
Final Plat ReviewThis is a flat fee, no additional charges for each lot/unit over five.$500.00
Wetland (WCA)No Loss Determination/temporaty impacts or De minimis Determination (no TEP review needed)No Fee
De minimis or no loss Determination (TEP review needed)$200.00
Delineation Review$300.00
Replacement Plan$400.00
Wetland Bank Creation$1000.00
After the Fact (ATF) All Permits - in addtion to permit fees$1000.00
Accelerated HearingsUnscheduled Hearing$1000.00
EAWEnvironmental Assessment Worksheet fee does not include cost to prepare the EAW or for 3rd party review.$2000.00