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Public Notice

Advertisement for Bids, Highway Improvement Project

SAP 038-632-003 – Banks Blvd and Edison Blvd Reconstruction.pdf

Project Location: City of Silver Bay
Work Type: Grading, Bituminous Surfacing, Curb & Gutter, Concrete Walks, ADA Improvements, Storm Sewer, Sanitary Sewer, Watermain
Project Type: Urban Reconstruction
Highest Funding Level: State
DBE?: No
Construction Start Date: May 27, 2025
Construction End Date: October 31, 2025

Volunteer opportunity for Lake County Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment

The Lake County Board of Commissioners is seeking individuals interested in volunteering on the Lake County Planning Commission or Board of Adjustment. These commissions meet once per month and make decisions regarding land development and environmental issues. Applicants must reside in Lake County, but preferably outside any municipal corporate limits. Please contact the Lake County Environmental Services Department at the Lake County Courthouse, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN 55616, email , or call 218-834-8325 for more information.

Please submit a resume or application by May 1, 2025.


Advertisement for Bids, Highway Improvement Project

SAP 038-602-036 – Highway 2 Reconditioning.pdf

Project Location: CSAH 2 (Murphy Creek to Greenwood Lake Public Access)
Work Type: Bituminous Milling, Full Depth Reclamation, Culverts, Aggregate Base, Bituminous Paving, Bridge 38J45, Bridge 38J46
Project Type: Reconditioning
Construction Start Date: June 2, 2025
Construction End Date: October 4, 2025

Notice of Public Hearing for proposed Lake County Cannabis Ordinance

Notice of Public Hearing
Lake County, Minnesota

Notice is hereby given that the Lake County Board of Commissioners will hold a Public Hearing on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 2:30 P.M. at the Lake County Service Center, Split Rock River Room, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota, 55616.

The purpose of the public hearing is to receive comments on a proposed Lake County Cannabis Ordinance.

Summary of the proposed Lake County Cannabis Ordinance:

  • Prohibits public use of cannabis
  • Limits registrations of cannabis retail operations
  • Prohibits cannabis businesses within certain distances from schools, day care providers, residential treatment facilities and attractions within public parks
  • Limits hours of operations
  • Provides zoning framework for cannabis businesses and hemp businesses
  • Provides regulations for cannabis events
  • Establishes requirements on sale of low potency hemp

A draft of the proposed ordinance is available at the Lake County Service Center, Office of the County Administrator, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota, 55616. All persons interested are invited to attend the Public Hearing. Written comments may be submitted to or by U.S. Postal Service mail to Lake County Service Center, Office of the County Administrator, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota, 55616

Public Comment Sought for Lake County’s Hazard Mitigation Plan

Lake County has completed an updated draft of its Hazard Mitigation Plan (HMP) and is now seeking public feedback. Like all Minnesota counties, Lake County is vulnerable to a variety of natural hazards such as tornadoes, windstorms, severe winter storms, flooding, drought, and extreme temperatures, which can threaten the loss of life and property in the county. Planning for natural disasters minimizes the impact of events that can cause vast economic loss and personal hardship.

Lake County Hazard Mitigation Plan News Release

U.S. Small Business Administration Disaster Loans

The Small Business Association offers low interest loans for homeowners and businesses that have been impacted by disasters. In June, Lake County saw widespread flooding that impacted many homeowners. To apply for an SBA loan, please call or register online.

Home Loan Flyer

Business Nonprofit Flyer

EIDL Flyer

Minnesota One Sheeter

Mitigation Loan

MN Locations September 16 2024

MN Fact Sheet Sept 2024

Covid-19 Update

Lake County Public Health, September 2024

While the COVID-19 variants change, overall guidance to protect ourselves and others remains stable. We can reduce severe illness by getting vaccinated, washing our hands frequently, increasing air flow indoors or meeting others outside, getting prompt treatment from a health care provider and staying home when sick.

A few new things are in the works for fall of 2024.

FREE Tests
At the end of September 2024, U.S. households can order 4 free COVID-19 tests at 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends the new 2024-25 COVID -19 vaccine for everyone age 6 months and older. If you have questions, please talk with your provider. Vaccines should be available from your provider or pharmacy. Health insurance should cover the cost. If you don’t have insurance, you can explore whether you’re eligible for financial help through, Minnesota’s health insurance marketplace.

According to MDH’s last report on June 20, 2024, only 9.7% of Lake County residents are up-to-date on COVID vaccines. The majority are ages 50-64. Yet, adults ages 65 and older are at the highest risk of getting very sick from COVID-19.  

What to do if you have COVID-19?
According to an article from Mayo Clinic, many people with COVID-19 get better with rest, fluids and treatment for their symptoms. A person at high risk of serious COVID-19 illness may be offered medicine to prevent mild illness from getting worse. Talk to your health care provider as soon as symptoms start if you are in a high-risk group: age 65 and older, babies younger than 6 months, and people with certain medical conditions that include blood disorders and chronic diseases.

Protecting others if you have COVID-19
You should stay home and away from others until your symptoms begin improving and you are also fever free, without medications, for 24 hours.  You should then take added precautions like wearing a mask, distancing yourself and practicing extremely good hand washing for another five days and always cover your cough. Preventative measures for COVID also apply to the flu and other respiratory illness.

Lake County Property Tax Payment Reminder

Property Tax due dates are May 15 and October 15 of each year. (If the 15th is a Saturday or Sunday, taxes are due on the following Monday).

Lake County has a drop-box available in front of the Law Enforcement Center at 613 3rd Ave.  There is a sign on the drop box indicating that property tax payments are being accepted.

Taxpayers can view or print their current or delinquent tax statements at any time using the website

Taxes can be paid in person, by mail, drop box or online.

Please see the Lake County Auditor’s webpage for details at

Federal Disaster Declaration Expansion

After Request from Governor Walz, Federal Disaster Declaration Expanded to Include Individual Assistance for Minnesotans Impacted by Flooding

Governor Tim Walz today announced that Minnesotans in 19 counties working to recover from this year’s flooding can now request individual assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) to help recover from losses they suffered. The declaration will provide resources to reimburse individuals and communities for debris removal, emergency protective measures, and repair and replacement of damaged infrastructure.

The individual assessment declaration is the next step in the state’s ongoing dedication to assisting affected communities.

While individual assistance cannot compensate for all losses caused by a disaster, it is a significant step in helping people meet their basic needs and supplement disaster recovery efforts. 

The following counties are currently part of the declaration: Blue Earth, Cook, Cottonwood, Faribault, Freeborn, Goodhue, Itasca, Jackson, Lake, Le Sueur, Mower, Nicollet, Nobles, Rice, Rock, St. Louis, Steele, Waseca, and Watonwan.

In the coming days, FEMA, in partnership with HSEM, will establish disaster recovery centers to assist people in navigating the process and house state agency representatives to ensure individuals and businesses understand all the programs that are available. More information on how to access these centers will be forthcoming from FEMA.

In the meantime, individuals in the declared counties are encouraged to create an application online by visiting You can also call the FEMA Helpline at 800-621-3362. Specialists are available seven days a week from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m. ET.

For Lake County residents, the disaster recovery center will most likely be in Virginia, where individuals can apply for reimbursement or funds to repair damages. The dates and times of the center will be updated when more information is available. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Matt Pollmann, Lake County Emergency Manager, at 773-844-6449.

Press Release – Malberg Lake Rescue

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Media Release

June 7, 2024

Malberg Lake Rescue

On June 6, 2024, at 1546 hours (3:46 pm), Lake County Dispatch received a call from a female party whose husband was in the BWCA with 3 other men. She indicated that she received a call from Focus Point International stating that they had received an SOS from a locator from that group. Coordinates from the locator placed the group on Malberg Lake within the BWCA, and there was no information available as to the type of emergency that may be occurring due to the locator not having messaging capability.  

Based on the limited information, the US Forest Service was contacted to see if a Beaver could fly in with a Lake County Deputy and medical personnel to check on the group. At approximately 1747 hours, initial contact was made with the group. The group indicated that a 69-year-old member of their group was last seen at 1130 that morning when he went for a walk and had not returned.

Based on the remote location and time of day, a ground search was planned utilizing Lake County Search and Rescue personnel, which would start the following morning.

The Minnesota State Patrol was requested and with the assistance of their fixed wing aircraft were able to locate the missing party some distance away from the location of the group. The missing party was actively trying to communicate with the aircraft.

The decision was made to activate the Minnesota Aviation Rescue Team (MART) through the Minnesota State Patrol to assist in rescuing the missing party.

At approximately 2342 the missing party was rescued and transported via helicopter to the Ely airport where he was checked out by medical personnel.  

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the Minnesota State Patrol, US Forest Service, Minnesota Aviation Rescue Team and Ely Ambulance for their assistance.

Press Release – Basswood Lake water emergency

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Media Release

June 6, 2024

Basswood Lake, Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Water Emergency

On June 4, 2024 at 1536 hours (3:36 pm), Lake County Dispatch received a call of a Boy Scout group with an overturned canoe on Basswood Lake.  Four juveniles and one adult male had made it to an island, while four more juveniles and another adult male were on the mainland.    No injuries were reported at this point.

Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) notified Dispatch that they also had been contacted by the campers and advised them that rescue plans were in the works, and the group was advised to stay put. OPP advised that they would be on standby if their assistance was needed, but due to the weather they were unable to assist with any air assets.

Rescue units were dispatched and USFS was contacted for assistance. Due to the approaching storm front, it was decided that for the safety of all, rescue crews would go in to assist the following morning.

At 1759 hours (5:59 pm), OPP notified Dispatch that they had been in contact with the adult via Garmin and were advised that the campers had been rescued and they no longer needed assistance from law enforcement or rescue.

No additional information is available at this time.

Press Release – Bulen media release

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Media Release

June 6, 2024

A male was discovered deceased in the Baptism River on May 12th.

On May 12, 2024 at 1144 hours (11:44 am), Lake County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a body found in the Baptism River in Tettegouche State Park.  At 1518 hours (3:18 pm) when Lake County Deputies and Rescue had retrieved the body from the river, the decedent’s identity was unknown.

On May 13, 2024 at approximately 1800 hours (6:00 pm), some clothing and a wallet, belonging to Zachery Bulen of Finland, were located at the base of Illgen Falls north of Tettegouche State Park.  A positive identification was confirmed with fingerprints by the Minnesota BCA.

Agencies assisting the Lake County Sheriff’s Office during this incident were Lake County Rescue, Minnesota DNR, Tettegouche State Park, Silver Bay Police, and Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA).

At this time, a cause of death has not been determined and the incident is still being investigated.

Press Release – White Iron Lake drowning

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

May 28, 2024

A male was discovered deceased in White Iron Lake over the weekend.

On Sunday, May 26, 2024 at 1406 hours (2:06 pm), the Lake County Sheriff’s Office received a call from a party who had seen a body floating on the water on White Iron Lake.

At approximately 1437 hours (2:37 pm), Lake County Sheriff’s Office arrived on scene.   Also responding to the scene were the U.S. Forest Service, DNR, U.S. Border Patrol, and Morse-Fall Lake Fire Dept.   Contact was made with the reporting party who stated they had seen an unoccupied boat banging on the rocks and then noticed the body floating on the water.

Initial investigation did not indicate any accident had occurred and the victim was not wearing a lifejacket at the time of the incident.

The Medical Examiner Investigator preliminarily ruled it an accidental drowning and the incident is still an active investigation pending final results.

The victim has been identified as 54 year-old Duane Kreuger from St. Louis, Missouri.

2024 Spring Road Restrictions

The Lake County Highway Department will end spring load restrictions (SLR) on Monday, May 6, 2024 at 12:01 AM EXCEPT for the following roads:

UT50 Murphy Lake RdUT51 Tikkanen RoadUT52 Kari RoadUT53 Rikala Road
UT54 Koski RoadUT55 Ahlgren RoadUT56 Etelainen/Rinne RoadUT 57 Grondahl Road
UT58 Kamarainen RoadUT59 Nelson RoadCR118 Toivonen Road 

Ending dates for spring load restrictions are variable and based on how weather is affecting roadway strength.  The sign erected on the roadway governs the load limit in effect.

Lake County Property Tax Payment Reminder

Property Tax due dates are May 15 and October 15 of each year. (If the 15th is a Saturday or Sunday, taxes are due on the following Monday).

Lake County has a drop-box available in front of the Law Enforcement Center at 613 3rd Ave.  There is a sign on the drop box indicating that property tax payments are being accepted.

Taxpayers can view or print their current or delinquent tax statements at any time using the website

Taxes can be paid in person, by mail, drop box or online.

Please see the Lake County Auditor’s webpage for details at

Lake County Sheriff BWC Public Comment Notice

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office is looking to implement body worn cameras in spring/early summer of 2024.  According to Minnesota Statute 626.8473 subd.2. Public Comment, all “local law enforcement must provide for public comment before it purchases OR implements a portable recording system. At a minimum, the agency must accept public comments submitted electronically or by mail, and the governing body with jurisdiction over the budget of the law enforcement agency must provide for public comment at a regularly scheduled meeting.”

Public Comment

The written draft policy will be available for public comment starting April 1st, 2024 through April 15th,2024. If you would like to make comments, please submit them via email to

If you wish to submit your comments by mail, please send them to the following address:

Lake County Sheriff’s Office

613 3rd Ave

Two Harbors MN, 55616

Ref: BWC Comment

The body worn camera policy will be also available for comment at the Lake County Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, April 23rd, at 2 p.m., in the Split Rock River Room on the main floor of the Lake County Service Center, 616 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

The Draft BWC Policy will be made available to view on the Lake County website:

Nathan Stadler

Lake County Sheriff

Lake County Sheriff BWC Public Comment Notice Letter


Lake County Property Tax Payment Reminder

Property Tax due dates are May 15th and October 15th of each year. (If the 15th is a Saturday or Sunday, taxes are due on the following Monday).

Lake County has a drop-box available in front of the Law Enforcement Center at 613 3rd Ave.  There is a sign on the drop box indicating that property tax payments are being accepted.

Taxpayers can view or print their current or delinquent tax statements at any time using the website

Taxes can be paid in person, by mail, drop box or online.

Please see the Lake County Auditor’s webpage for details at

Press Release – Fernberg Road Vehicle Fatality

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

August 24, 2023

On Thursday, August 24, 2023 at 07:53 hours, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office received a call of a one-vehicle crash on Fernberg Road near Summer Home Road.

The deceased driver, and only occupant of the vehicle, was 62-year old Robert Oliva, who had been residing in the Ely area.   The accident is currently under investigation.

Responding to the scene were the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Lake County Highway-Fall Lake, Ely Area Ambulance, and Morse-Fall Lake Fire Department.

Notice of Rescheduled Meeting

Regular Meeting of the Lake County Board of Commissioners
New Date and Time: 10:00 AM on Wednesday, July 26, 2023.
Rescheduled Location: Lake County Highway Department, Highway 2 Meeting Room, 1513 Highway 2, Two Harbors, Minnesota

The Lake County Board of Commissioners’ regular meeting that was scheduled for Tuesday, July 25, 2023, has been canceled. This meeting is rescheduled to a different date, time and location, as follows. The Lake County Board of Commissioners will meet at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July 26, 2023, at the Lake County Highway Department, Hwy 2 Meeting room, 1513 Highway 2, Two Harbors, Minnesota.

Press Release – Lake Superior Fatality

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

June 26, 2023

UPDATE:  The two males who drowned after cliff jumping into Lake Superior have been identified as Austin Henning, 18 years old, of South St. Paul, and Maximillion Williams, 18 years old, of Inver Grove Heights.

The Minnesota DNR also responded to the scene.

On Sunday, June 25, 2023 at 13:25 hours, the Lake County Sheriff’s Office received a call about two parties cliff jumping at Black Beach in Silver Bay who were seen struggling to swim in Lake Superior.  

Lake County Search & Rescue responded and assistance was requested from St. Louis County Rescue Squad and the US Coast Guard.  The US Coast Guard dispatched a boat from their Bayfield (WI) station as well as a helicopter to assist with the search.

At around 18:12 hours, the body of a male was located and pulled out of the water.  At around 19:39 hours, the body of a second male was located and pulled out of the water.  The identities of the two males will be released once family notifications are complete.

Responding to the scene were the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Lake County Search & Rescue, Lake County Ambulance, Silver Bay Police Department, Silver Bay Fire Department, St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office, St. Louis County Rescue Squad, and the US Coast Guard.

Notice of Rescheduled Public Hearings for Interim Use Permits


Notice is hereby given that, due to the recent adoption by the State of MN recognizing June 19 (Juneteenth) as an official holiday and subsequent approval by the Lake County Board of Commissioners, the Lake County Planning Commission Meeting previously scheduled and noticed for June 19, 2023 was canceled.

The previously noticed hearings, each of which are for renewal of interim use permits for short-term vacation rental properties, include:  Wanda Widen and Brian & Cynthia Foyt, for the property at 2237 7th Ave, Two Harbors, MN 55616; Sharon Erickson-Ropes&Milton Ropes, for the property at 726Old North Shore Road, Two Harbors; and Noah Wolf & Jane Connors for the property at 7004 Airbase Rd, Finland, MN 55603.   These hearings will instead be heard on Monday, June 26, 2023 at the Lake County Highway Department building beginning at, respectively: 2:15 pm, 2:30 pm, and 2:45 pm.  Public comment period will remain open until close of business on Wednesday, June 21, 2023. Any questions or concerns should be directed to: Lake County Planning and Zoning, 601 3rd Ave, Two Harbors, MN. 55616. Email:

Press Release – Vacation Rental Home Regulations

Notice of Amendments to the Vacation Rental Home Regulations in the Lake County Land Use Ordinance #12

Date: May 12, 2023
Contact: Matt Huddleston, County Administrator

On May 9, 2023, The Lake County Board of Commissioners approved by resolution, adoption of amendments to Sec. 27.06 A, Vacation Rental Home Requirements in Lake County Land Use Ordinance #12.  The amendments to the ordinance will go into effect on May 28th when Interim Ordinance No. 19-2, imposing a moratorium on Vacation Rental Homes (VRH) through interim use permits (IUP), expires. 

May 29th is Memorial Day, and Lake County will be closed, therefore, Lake County will begin accepting Interim Use Applications for vacation rental homes on Tuesday May 30th at 8:00am.

Generally, the amended ordinance imposes a cap or limit to the amount of VRHs in residential zoning districts in Unorganized Territory #2, Unorganized Territory #1, Beaver Bay Township, Crystal Bay Township, Silver Creek Township, Stony River Township and Knife River.   Please review all of the ordinance amendments, which will be located at and contact the Lake County Environmental Services Department if you have questions.


Veterans Services Temporary Closure

Lake County Veterans Services assists Veterans, their families, caregivers, and survivors with benefits related to military service. Updated laws and expanded benefits have resulted in a significant increase in requested services above the current capacity of the available resource. While working to implement a permanent solution and in order to preserve the highest level of service possible, the difficult decision has been made to temporarily limit the availability of the County Veterans Service Officer (CVSO).  This will provide dedicated time to process the backlog of claims and requests.

The Veterans Services office will be temporarily closed from 05/22/2023 to 06/02/2023. In-person services will not be available, and phone and email responses will be delayed. Everyone is encouraged to continue submitting requests and questions via the Veterans Services phone number and email address. Please use the available voicemail or email to leave a message.

On 06/05/2023, the office will reopen on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for in-person services (appointments are strongly encouraged). Services will be limited Tuesdays and Thursdays allowing the CVSO to continue processing the backlog of claims and requests. The days may vary depending on holidays or other scheduling conflicts. The temporary, modified operating days will be in effect while solutions are being put into place to continue providing the highest quality of services our Veterans have earned and expect.

Your patience and understanding are truly appreciated during this transitional and temporary period.

(218) 834-8326 or (218) 220-6273

Vacation Rental Public Hearing

The Lake County Planning Commission will conduct a public hearing on Thursday, April 27, 2023, at 6:00 PM in the Lake View Conference Center, 325 11th Avenue,  Two Harbors, Minnesota, for the purpose of considering proposed amendments to Sec. 27.06 A. Vacation Rental Home requirements in Lake County Land Use Ordinance #12.  Interested persons may submit written comments by 4:30 pm on Monday, April 24, 2023 via email message to or to the Lake County Environmental Services Department, 601 Third Avenue, Two Harbors, MN  55616, prior to the hearing. 

Virtual attendance option available for listening purposes only.
Topic: Vacation Rental Home Public Hearing Regarding Proposed Ordinance Amendments
Time: Thursday, April 27, 2023 06:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 817 4808 2332
Passcode: 912064

Notice of Public Hearing

Proposed Ordinance Language

Lake County Active Vacation Rentals

Vacation Rental Public Meeting Handout

STVR_ Inland lakes

Lake County Property Tax Payment Reminder

Property Tax due dates are May 15th and October 15th of each year. (If the 15th is a Saturday or Sunday, taxes are due on the following Monday).

Lake County has a drop-box available in front of the Law Enforcement Center Building at 613 3rd Ave.  There is a sign on the drop box indicating that property tax payments are being accepted.

Taxpayers can view or print their current or delinquent tax statements at any time using the website

Taxes can be paid in person, by mail, drop box or online.

Please see the Lake County Auditor’s webpage for details at

Press Release – Snowmobile Fatality

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

North Shore State Trail / Airbase Road, Snowmobile Fatality

March 7, 2023

On 3-04-2023 at 10:58 AM, Lake County Dispatch received a call reporting a snowmobile accident on the CJ Ramstad/North Shore State Trail snowmobile trail crossing on the Airbase Road in Finland.

After being transported by ambulance and rescue to the LifeLink landing zone at the Clair Nelson Center in Finland, the victim, a 52-year old female named Kellie Brickson of Hermantown, was pronounced dead.

Responding to the scene were the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, Lake County Rescue Squad, Lake County Ambulance and LifeLink air medical


Press Release – Personal Injury Accident

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

Hwy 2 / Gun Club Road, Personal Injury Accident

February 13, 2023

On 2-13-2023 at 6:07 AM, Lake County Dispatch received a call about a collision on Highway 2 at the Gun Club Road north of Two Harbors.  The crash involved a semi truck and a passenger vehicle.   The driver of the semi, a 71-year old male, denied medical attention.  The driver of the passenger vehicle, a 54-year old female, was extricated from the vehicle by the Two Harbors Fire Department and transported to St. Luke’s by Lake County Ambulance with non-life threatening injuries.  The accident is currently under investigation by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office with assistance from the MN State Highway Patrol Commercial Vehicle Inspector.  The Two Harbors Fire Department, Lake County Rescue Squad, and Lake County Ambulance responded and assisted at the scene.

Community Health Needs Assessment

Lake View Hospital and Lake County Public Health partnered for Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) services administrated by Rural Health Innovations (RHI), a subsidiary of the National Rural Health Resource Center. In April 2022, RHI, the hospital, and public health met to discuss the objectives of a regional CHNA.

Please view the full report here:

Extension Committee Members Needed

Currently, we are looking for a couple of new members for the Lake County Extension Committee, and you’re invited to apply if interested by filling out an application:

County Extension Committee Application

What is the Extension Committee, and what do we as members of the Extension Committee do? Find out more here.

The Lake County Extension is an outreach of the University of Minnesota and assists in providing programs to Lake County, establishing budget, and working with our staff to improve the quality life, enhance the economy and environment through education, research, and other resources available through the University of Minnesota.

Send an application today to:

Lake County Extension Office
616 3rd Ave
Two Harbors, MN 55616

Notice of Rescheduled Planning Commission Meeting



Notice is hereby given that the Planning Commission Meeting previously scheduled for September 19, 2022 at 6 P.M. in the County Highway Department Building, 1513 Highway 2, Two Harbors, was unable to be conducted due to a lack of quorum of Commission Members. The meeting has been rescheduled for MONDAY, September 26, 2022 at 5:00 PM in the County Hwy Department Building and via Zoom: the link will be provided on the Lake County website ( The rescheduled hearings will include: Short-term rental renewal application (I-22-032r) by Jin and Debra Baik (5:00 PM); Short-term rental renewal application (I-22-033r) by Mike and Angela Steenberg (5:15 PM); Request to rename private road from Kingfish Lane to Kingfisher Lane, submitted by Ojibway Summer Group Home Association (5:30 PM); Conditional Use Permit Application (C-22-009) filed by the St. Louis and Lake Counties Regional Railroad Authority and the Knife River Heritage Cultural Center for the construction of a multi-purpose community center (5:45 PM); Conditional Use Permit Application (C-22-010) filed by Sean and Jill Leary/BWCA Wolf Pack LLC for the construction of 3 ADA-compliant cabins creating a small resort in Ely, MN (6:15 PM); and an EAW Review for The Harbors Resort submitted by John Leupke/LT4, LLC (7:00 PM).

The Zoom Link for this hearing is:

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 4924 8137
Passcode: 168149
One tap mobile
+16469313860,,86049248137#,,,,*168149# US
+19292056099,,86049248137#,,,,*168149# US (New York)

American Red Cross (Home Fire Safety Visits)

Schedule a Free Red Cross Home Fire Safety Visit. During your home visit, you will receive:

  • Installed smoke alarms if no working smoke alarms are present in your home
  • Guidance in the development of a Family Disaster Plan
  • Valuable emergency preparedness tips and information
  • All demonstration and installation services will be performed by Red Cross-trained volunteers and/or licensed/insured professionals.

To schedule your free Home Fire Safety Visit, click here:

Press Release – Water Emergency

Lake County Sheriff’s Office Press Release

Hudson Lake/Lake Four, Boundary Waters Canoe Area, Water Emergency

May 16, 2022

At 1117 hours today, Lake County Dispatch received a call of 2 adults in a canoe paddling on Hudson Lake when their canoe capsized.  Both individuals made it to shore on the portage between Hudson Lake and Lake Four.   Minnesota State Patrol sent out a helicopter to assist with the rescue.

At 1509 hours, MSP helicopter transported one of the parties to the medical staging area on Snowbank Rd.  At 1537 hours, MSP helicopter transported the second party to the medical staging area.

The parties are a 41-year-old male and his 64-year-old father.  Names of the parties were not available at this time nor were their conditions.

Property Taxes Due October 15

Property Tax due dates are May 15th and October 15th of each year. (If the 15th is a Saturday or Sunday, taxes are due on the following Monday).

Lake County has a drop-box available in front of the Law Enforcement Center Building at 601 3rd Ave.  There will be a sign on the drop box indicating that property tax payments are being accepted.

Taxpayers can now view or print their current or delinquent tax statements whenever they desire using the Parcel Info website.

Taxes can be paid “in person”, by mail, using the drop box or online.

Please see the Auditor’s office webpage for details.

Notice to Commercial Property Owners

Some commercial property owners are seeing a large increase in their 2022 property tax bill due to fiscal disparity tax. Lake County is actively pursuing all available options to provide some relief to this situation. A public meeting will be held soon to provide additional information about the fiscal disparity program.

Notice to Commercial Property Owners

Fiscal Disparity House Research Publication

Minnesota Class IV Burning Restrictions

August 9, 2021

Contacts: Allissa Reynolds, acting wildfire prevention supervisor, 763-284-7213

Additional burning restrictions take effect Tuesday in Cook and Lake counties

To help ensure public safety and protect natural resources, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is activating additional burning restrictions for areas within state jurisdiction in Cook and Lake counties, beginning 12:01 a.m. Tuesday, August 10. Under the additional restrictions, all campfires and recreational fires are banned and the use of welding devices and other torches is prohibited when in proximity to combustible vegetation (unless special permission is granted). While the DNR’s restrictions do not control tribal lands, the Grand Portage Band of Lake Superior Chippewa has restricted burning on its lands.

Under these additional restrictions, the campfire and recreational fire ban in Cook and Lake counties now includes all public and private land. In the backcountry, and at campsites, only gas or propane camp stoves are allowed. Gas and charcoal grills are allowed at occupied homes, cabins and resorts.  Charcoal and gas fires must be in devices designed for grilling.

All previously issued burning restrictions also remain in place for Cook and Lake counties, including:

  • No fireworks may be ignited on any public or private land outside city limits. Check with your local community for any additional restrictions.
  • The state will not issue burning permits for brush or yard waste. Open burning permits are restricted. Check the statewide fire danger and burning restrictions webpage for more information.

Restrictions on open burning and campfires remain in place for more than twenty other counties in central and northern Minnesota. Some of these restrictions apply to all non-tribal lands, while others are specific to DNR-managed lands.  Details are available on the DNR’s wildfire information page.

Allissa Reynolds, DNR acting wildfire prevention supervisor, says these additional burning restrictions are warranted in the Arrowhead Region due to the combination of the high risk of wildfire and landscape features that can make suppressing wildfires there extremely challenging. “This year, we’ve seen wildfires starting from campfires, as well as all types of outdoor activities, which is uncommon and dangerous,” Reynolds said, “Campfire bans on public and private lands are rare and reserved for times of intense wildfire risk, like we are experiencing now. We are implementing these restrictions to protect life and property, and following consultation with our local, tribal, and federal partners.”

Check the DNR statewide fire danger and burning restrictions map before any outdoor activity or before heading to your cabin or campsite. You can make a difference – keep safety at top of mind. People who spot a wildfire should call 911.

Visit the DNR wildland fire information webpage for more information on current restrictions.

Lake County Lost and Found

The following items have been received by the Lake County Sheriff’s Office as lost, abandoned or safe keeping property.  If you believe any items listed may be your property, you must contact the Lake County Sheriff’s Office at (218) 834-8386 by August 1, 2021 to identify and establish proof of ownership. 

  • Gas Moped
  • Trailer
  • Gas Generator
  • Kayak
  • Motorcycle

County Forest Road Closures

Due to spring thaw, some Lake County-managed forest roads were not firm enough to support vehicle traffic. All county forest roads are now open. Please check this page for a list of these roads and any further updates on their status. Thank you for your cooperation.

County Small Business and Nonprofit Organization Economic Relief Grant Program

The Lake County Board of Commissioners approved another round of Economic Grant Relief to distribute $256,250 of state funding to help small business and nonprofit organizations.

Tell us how the COVID-19 pandemic has impacted your business or nonprofit organization.

Your organization is invited to submit a grant application; download the document below to learn more about grant eligibility, procedures and guidelines.  

2021 Recycling Center Schedule

In 2021, the Lake County Recycling Center is open Monday-Friday, 7:30AM to 5:30PM and on Saturday between 8:00AM and 12:00PM.

The Recycling Center will be closed all Sundays and the following days:

  • January 1st, 2nd
  • February 15th
  • March 8th
  • April 2nd, 3rd
  • May 31st
  • July 5th
  • July 10th
  • September 6th
  • November 15th
  • November 25th, 26th, 27th
  • December 24th, 25th

2021 Recycling Center Schedule

Do Not Plow Snow Onto County Roads

Do not deposit snow on public roads! This includes pushing snow across county roads!

According to the Lake County Highway Department, depositing snow in any fashion onto a County Road is illegal and punishable as a misdemeanor under Minnesota Statute 160.27 and various local ordinances which prohibit plowing, shoveling, blowing or placing snow onto public roadways.  Any violation will be forwarded to the Sheriff’s Department in the interest of public safety.

Lake County Highway Department also cautions that the act of placing snow onto a public roadway can subject a person to a civil liability if a road hazard, such as a slippery area, frozen rut or bump, occurs and causes a traffic accident.  This civil liability can extend to both the property owner and the person who actually placed the snow onto the roadway.  You also may be liable for damage to County snowplow equipment.

Lake County Highway Department asks all citizens to obey these rules which are designed to keep Minnesota’s 131,100 miles of streets, roads and highways safe during winter months.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation.

Jason DiPiazza
Lake County Highway Engineer

CARES Act Charitable Nonprofit Grants

Lake County has received $1.28 million to support the community during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as small businesses, charitable nonprofits, congregate care facilities, health services, local government expenses, and individuals in need.

“Our highest priority is to send the bulk of these funds to our small businesses and non-profits who are hardest hit financially during this crisis, along with our most vulnerable citizens and those who care for them,” according to County Administrator Matt Huddleston. “We’re pleased that up to $850,000 is available directly to our business community.”

Learn more from the documents below or at the Lake County Chamber of Commerce’s website (updated 10/22).

CARES Act Lake County Small Business Relief Fund

Lake County’s Board of Commissioners has partnered with the Lake County Chamber of Commerce to create a Small Business Relief Fund, utilizing funds from Lake County’s CARES Act allotment.

Small businesses play a crucial role in each Lake County community, and this fund will provide monetary relief to help ease the burden of hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

Eligible small businesses may apply for up to $10,000 in grant funds, to be used for the reimbursement of eligible expenses, as defined below.

Guidelines and application are available on Lake County Chamber of Commerce’s website

(Article originally from Lake County Chamber of Commerce).

Press Release – Caribou River Fatality

At approximately 2132 hours on September 7, 2020, Lake County Dispatch received a report of 29 year old man from Rochester who had fallen into the Caribou River and was unresponsive.  It was reported that Daniel Allman had been hiking with a friend when he fell approximately 100 feet from a cliff, landing in the water below.  Allman was removed from the water by his friend.  Lifesaving attempts were performed by the friend, Lake County Rescue Squad and Lake County Ambulance Service.  Allman was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Responding agencies were Lake County Rescue Squad, Lake County Ambulance Service, Cook County Sheriff’s Office and Lake County Sheriff’s Office.

Press Release – Plane Crash on White Iron Lake

8/21/2020 – 2:24PM – The pilot, and only occupant, of the plane has been identified as Dr. Kyle Edlund, of Woodbury Dental Care.  Dr. Edlund was flying a Lance Air 4-seater, single engine N997S. 

Correction: Dr. Edlund was last at his hotel in Ely at 10:15 pm and flew out soon after.

8/21/2020 – 9:00AM – At approximately 2308 hours on 08/20/2020, Lake County Dispatch received a call reporting a possible plane crash on White Iron Lake.  The pilot, and only occupant, left the Ely Airport shortly after 9:00 pm and ended up crashing into White Iron Lake.  The plane was heading towards the Grand Marais/Cook County Airport from the Ely Airport.

Responders found the victim, a 58-year old male from Woodbury, MN, died on impact.

Responding to the scene were the Lake County Sheriff’s Office, St. Louis County Sheriff’s Office, Lake County Rescue Squad, Morse-Fall Lake Fire Department and Ely Ambulance.

This accident is still under investigation.

Lake County Supports Governor’s Mask Mandate

“Lake County is pleased to see the state take leadership on this issue,” said Matthew Huddleston, Lake County Administrator. “Masks are an important way to help slow the spread of the Coronavirus and to protect ourselves, families, neighbors and businesses. Businesses need to stay open and we want to see all residents stay healthy.”

Mask Up Minnesota to help slow the spread of COVID-19

Social Distancing at Work

While things are reopening and folks are getting back to work, it is still important that mitigation measures are being followed to continue to stop the spread of COVID-19. The risk is still very real. To protect yourself and others, take time with your coworkers to make sure you can make distancing work in your workplace. Stay safe, stay healthy!

Visit Lake County’s Coronavirus Hub for more information.

Social distance at work, including attending meetings virtually if possible, allowing six feet of separation between individuals while at work, and maintaining that six-foot spacing during in-person meetings. Visit for more information.