Lake County Auditor
The mission of the Lake County Auditor/Treasurer’s Department is to perform professionally the statutory duties of the County Auditor/Treasurer with integrity, independence and a spirit of technological innovation while emphasizing outstanding customer service, excellent public information and efficient use of taxpayer resources with a streamlined, well-trained and appropriately compensated staff.
The Auditor/Treasurer’s department is responsible for accounts payable, accounts receivable and payroll functions. This department is also responsible for the cash management and investment of funds; financial statement preparation; budget preparation and reporting; the collection of state deed and mortgage registration tax; and the review and collection of certificates of real estate value on real property transactions. This office provides tax administration for all taxing districts in Lake County. These duties include collecting taxes for real and personal property and severed mineral interest; the maintenance of names, addresses and taxable legal descriptions on the property tax system; calculation of property taxes; preparing and mailing tax statements; preparing and mailing truth-in-taxation notices; maintaining tax increment financing districts; maintaining delinquent tax records and tax forfeiture. Additionally this office issues various county licenses including liquor and tobacco licenses. Other duties include administering all primary, general & special elections and maintaining the county’s database in the statewide voter registration network.