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Wildfire is a part of our landscape that can be a real danger to our lives and property. Most recently, the Highway 1 and Pagami Creek fires have reminded us of that. Research has shown that homeowners can greatly reduce the risk of a fire damage to their home by taking some simple preventive actions. The first step in understanding the fire mitigation process is to have a Firewise Level 2 evaluation done on your property. This free survey offers suggestions by a trained evaluator to reduce your wildfire risk.

To learn more about the process read the form below. In addition to the evaluations, homeowners can work together and become a recognized Firewise USA site, which involves forming a community board, holding a Firewise event, and becoming active in Firewise activities. Getting involved empowers homeowners and creates a sense of community in rural and remote areas. It also may pre-qualify your neighborhood for some funding of mitigation projects.
