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Warrant List

The Lake County Sheriff’s Office strives to provide the very best service and protection to the citizens and visitors to our county. If you have information as to the whereabouts of these individuals, please call the Lake County Sheriff’s Office. This list was last updated March 27, 2025.

Abu Hamdi, Yousif
Anderson, Devin James Louis
Anderson, Michaela Patricia Tarry
Beld, Noah William
Benvie, Sarah Michelle
Boudreaux, Lloyd Henry, III
Broll, Trenton Isaiah
Burke, Michael Joseph
Clark, Vera Elaine
Clayton, Charles Kyle
Davis, Derrick Calvin, Jr.
Friederich, Eric Anthony
Fromberg, Seth Allen
Gnassounou, Jean Paul Marcel
Harvey, Michael Kent
Jarvinen, Michael David
Jezierski, Tina Jean
Johnson, Freddie Lee
Johnson, Michael Floyd
Johnson, Nicholas James
Johnson, Rexford Wrudsakpa, Jr.
Jubenville, Thomas Eugene
Juhl, Amber Leigh
Kelsey, Jack Henry
Kimaiga, Hobson Machera
Knaffla, Randy Martin
Larson, Peter Leo
Larson, Shannon Dean
Lund, Robert William
Macpherson, Ian Duncan
Mattson, Trent Albert
McLead, William Sherman, II
Mitchell, Patrick Stephen
Newman, Natalie Denise
Perez, Eleuterio
Posso, Trevor Larry
Reid, Osborne Robert
Roddy, Bradley Matthew
Rose, Stephen Scott
Schamberger, Robert Michael
Siironen, Leon Patrick
Sinaei, Farshad
Strong, Jason Guy
Thompson, William Irvin, II 
Tuesday-Gunderson, Jesse Blue
Valland, Elmer Albert
White, John Duward
Williams, Ralph Edgar