Lake County Emergency Management
Emergencies happen every day. It might be a wildfire or a winter storm. But we never know exactly what will happen or when. If we did, they wouldn’t be called emergencies.
Lake County’s emergency management department is responsible for preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation of the natural and man-made hazards we all face. Emergency plans are developed with whole community partners and practiced with training and drills (preparedness) so we can work well together when the time comes (response). We figure out how to get the community back to normal (recovery). We brainstorm how to reduce the damage of future emergencies (mitigation). We learn how to get outside help when disasters overwhelm our own local resources.
Then, we
can all help our neighbors in times of crisis. Consider getting trained
to assist in bigger ways. Join your local fire department or medical
team. Sign up for our Community Emergency Response Team. Find out more
about each of these options under “Volunteer Opportunities” or contact
our office.
Citizens play a big part in personal preparedness and resiliency. First, practice the things you learned in kindergarten. Make sure you home’s fire alarms and other safety detectors are working. Store extra food and supplies to stay at home for three days in the event of bad weather or illness. Hold family evacuation drills, knowing where you will meet and who to call to coordinate family updates.